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Is There Any Hope for Writers?

We often wonder, "Is there any hope for writers?" We used to think so. Do you remember being very young and having hope for your ambitions? Depending on when you were born, your only limit may have been your imagination. When I was young, there was no internet back then, and that was both good Read More...

Why I Both Hate and Love the English Language

The grammar we thought we learned in school has pulled a fast one on us. It seems like every grammar rule that was once correct has now been poo-pooed. English, you used to be our friend, But you've changed. You have made life very complicated for us. We look at other languages that seem unbearably Read More...

Compassion with Yourself

Do you know why receiving compassion is the easiest thing in the world? It's because you're so good at the other easiest thing to do in the world. No, it isn’t sleeping in on our days off, although that is very easy to do. Also, it is not screwing up while typing so we can Read More...

Squash Your Jealousy

When Somebody Else Succeeds—and You Don't             I know how it feels. You have a hope and a dream, and you’re approaching it cautiously. You’re just kind of figuring it out as you go, plotting and planning. Taking your time. Whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, or something else, you’ve got it on a Read More...


            The phone rings, and it’s your best friend who needs help with a very large problem. No worries; you can handle it.             Then the dog runs away for half the day and you’re consumed with finding your furry friend and taking calls from neighbors who “may have” seen a dog loping across their Read More...

Calling in “Stuck”

It was during an ice storm that I got my first visit from the writing bug. This was not the Ice Apocalypse of 1976, which turned my entire county into an ethereal wonderland, but it was enough to keep us country folks stranded in our houses. Thanks to a hilly, curvy half-mile-long gravel driveway, there Read More...

What do you need, Writer?

It is a common observation that every writer has needs. Dozens of them. Maybe even hundreds. They need much more than just somebody to proofread or edit. There are so many needs, in fact, that I am beginning to believe that this is the main reason most people don’t make their livings as writers. This Read More...

New Website!

Welcome to my new website! My blog is where I'll share thoughts and suggestions on a semi-regular basis. Check back often to keep an eye on ways to make your written words better and more effective. Please contact me if you'd like to discuss a specific project or have other ideas and thoughts to share.